“We recommend easyliners to all Friers who want to keep the goodness in their food and, keep their pots clean.”
Tracy Poskitt and Matthew Silk
Fish & Chips at 149
“In a word they're great! They save so much time at the end of the night and they keep the moisture in the food, so actually they save you money, I wouldn't be without them. I would certainly recommend to all Friers.”
Raymond Fusco
Royal Fisheries, Whitby
“Easyliners are a blessing in disguise; not only do they help save time at the end of the night, but they actually save you pennies as they prevent the product from drying out.”
Dan Harding
Angel Lane Chippie, Penrith
“I definitely recommend easylinersto any Frier who wants to save money and give their customers the best quality food.”
Craig Buckley
Crewe Fish Bar, Crewe
“The saving on clean up time at the end of the day is unbelievable, as far as we are concerned, easyliners are our number one essential item.”
Dave & Bek Agnew
The Humble Pie & Mash Shop,Whitby
“I would like to say that if there are any Caterers out there who have not tried easyliners, well you're missing out.”
The Famous Highwayman Cafe
“I would rather spend two minutes taking the easyliners out and giving the pots a quick rinse, rather than half an hour scraping and scrubbing.”
Taste Temptations Cafe & Coffee Shop
“We first tried easyliners a few weeks ago and we were amazed how good they were. They save so much time at the end of the day, no more scraping and scrubbing, I can't believe that such a simple idea is so good for my Business.”
Taste Sandwich Bar
“They keep the food fresh and moist and at the end of the day they save us so much time and money.”
Potters Pantry,